Work has begun on the star of the layout, well the shorter one at least. Paul has built the bridge surprisingly quick, over just 3 evenings after work!
He used 0.9mm tee tree for the uprights and north-eastern hobby timber, that he then had to cut even thinner again, for the cross sections. The shallow end, near the road crossing, is shortest on the layout at 3mm high.
Progressing to 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5 & 5.5mm at the deepest end. Every trestle bent variation is in order and as per the real bridge, being modelled strictly of photos. The majority of the large bridge is 5.5mm to 7mm deep. There is 38 piers in this bridge and 157 in the large bridge!!!!
Firstly here are two photos of the actual location. These photos assisted in the construction of the piers.

A close up photo showing the huge amount of detail put into such a small structure.
Here is a photo of the bridge prior to attaching it permenantly to the layout.
Paul has also been working on the hill overlooking the Snowy River valley. This is the first of many steps involved in creating this area.