Gday everyone!!
Here are some pictures of the progress of Pauls layout. He had captured most of the geographical features that often featured on VR lines:
- Trestle bridge
- Large landfill often followed directly by a steep cutting
- Culverts
- Deep valleys and small creeks
- Dense timbered valleys
He started with a large block of foam and within a week has converted it into a very nicely landscaped valley, based loosely on the Boggy Creek (East Gippsland Vic) trestle bridge.
The layout was shaped and filed to creat the layout shape you see below. The layout consists of 8 separate pieces of foam!!

The layout was then given a light coat of plaster to smooth the foam and culvert pipe added to the landfill at rear.

It was then that colour could be added. Using fine sifted soil followed by Woodland Scenics Fine Turf ('Burnt Grass' and 'Earth'), this was achieved by adding layer at a time then sprayed with a mix of PVA and water. Paul also added broken twigs and sticks to get the effect of fallen trees in the valley. The cuttings are lined with clay gathered from the famous (local) Maffra cutting. The clay was crushed up and added with PVA and water mix.
Trees will soon be added, trestles made for the remainder of the bridge and a small station complex added (back left) to complete the layout.

Now time for drooooooolllling!!!!!

View of Pauls layout and a picture of the Boggy Creek trestle bridge.

It is amazing what can be achieved in this tiny scale in the period of just a week. It will be exciting to see what will be achieved by the end of next week!!
Until then.... Happy Modelling